Nut Crop Nursery Stock
For more than 25 years, Badgersett Farm has been making inter-species NeoHybrid crosses of hazels, chestnuts, and hickories/pecans to produce plants that are highly productive, blight resistant, cold hardy, and low-maintenance. In addition, our seedlings and parent plants have always been grown without the use of herbicides or pesticides, so they will not be dependent on chemicals for high nut production.
Here you will find information about how and why to grow our nut crop seedlings, as well as how to order plants from Badgersett.
NeoHybrid Hazels
These hybrids differ substantially from the hazelnut cultivars presently grown in the Pacific Northwest. The most notable difference is that these plants are bushes. Our hybrids are crosses of North American wild hazels (for cold hardiness and resistance to Eastern Filbert Blight) and varieties of European hazels (for larger nuts and higher productivity), making it possible for the first time to grow productive hazels reliably outside the Pacific Northwest region. Read more...
NeoHybrid Chestnuts
Badgersett hybrid chestnuts are different from all other hybrids available elsewhere in a number of ways. Our goal here has been to produce a domesticated chestnut tree with good, multi-purpose characteristics. We do not breed here to restore the wild American timber tree. Read more...
NeoHybrid Hickory-Pecans
Badgersett hybrid hickories! Now taking orders at the Hybrid Hickory-Pecan Catalog.
Survivor Butternuts
Sorry, not currently available, but you can still take a look at the old Survivor Butternuts catalog.
Ordering plants
We sell most of our plants as small containerized seedlings, which we call "tubelings". We also sell very limited quantities of bare-root dormant tubeling stock. For availability, check the appropriate catalog page.