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Order Nuts To Eat!

Eat nuts will be available fall 2025.  They're really not just for the holidays anymore - they're now an entire chapter (!) in nationally prominent food-writer Beth Dooley's newest book; In Winter's Kitchen. For folks who try to eat "seasonal" - and "local" - this is tremendous news!  There is more to "winter" than "roots."

Please note: these food nuts are not sensible for planting.

In most years, Chestnuts begin shipping November 10, and Hickories not before December 10, due to processing and curing requirements. Fresh chestnuts can be available until early spring, hazels and hickories can be available all year.

Because of limited availability, we cannot guarantee to fill all orders. Nuts may be subject to quarantine laws in some states.

Chestnut Sampler

Click on image to enlarge

Chestnut Sampler 1 pint: $14.25 1 quart: $22.50 5 lbs: $39.50

Large, Medium, and Old Fashioned Chestnuts, all mixed—just as we pick them in the orchard.  1 pint is about 1 pound, 1 quart is about 2 pounds.  This is the type we use most often in cooking our favorite chestnut recipes.

Large Chestnuts

Click on image to enlarge

Large Chestnuts 1 pint: $15.75 1 quart: $25.25 5 lbs: $43.00

Large Chestnuts (45-55 nuts per pint), nearly the same size as European chestnuts but much sweeter! Try them and see!

Old-Fashioned Chestnuts

Click on image to enlarge

Old-Fashioned  Chestnuts: 1 pint: $16.85 1 quart: $26.25 5 lbs: $48.50

These old-fashioned Chestnuts have the same size and sweet flavor of the  wild American chestnuts killed by blight decades ago.  Our trees are hybrid, but these are throwbacks to the American parent.  They are pretty small if you are used to European or Japanese chestnuts, but if you want the authentic experience of days gone by, these are the ones!

Hickory Sampler

Click on image to enlarge

Hybrid Pecan Sampler 1 pint (approx. 3/4 lb): $7.00

We've been calling these "hickory-pecans", but then we spend a lot of time explaining!  So we're going with "hybrid-pecan" at this point.  They look mostly like shagbark or shellbark hickories, but the shells are thin enough to crack with a hand cracker! Most nuts taste like premium pecan, some will have a  real hickory taste, and some  even taste like black walnut. Limited supply,  in 1 pint packages only.

Hazel Sampler

Click on image to enlarge


Hazelnut Sampler 1 lb: $5.50 2 lbs: $8.75 5 lbs: $18.25

Large- and medium-sized Hazelnuts in shell. Quite a variety of shapes and types from our plantings. Varied flavor as well, ranging from robust wild American through delicate European. Peak flavor for the season is usually around February.

Hazel Sampler

Click on image to enlarge


Pre-Cracked Hazelnut Sampler 1 lb: $8.50 2 lbs: $12.50

Available only in MN, pre-cracked so you can get to the nutmeats faster! Kernels and shells together; most of the kernels are wholes and halves, with some smaller pieces as well, and a few uncracked nuts. Peak flavor for the season is usually around February.


Packaged Chestnuts

Packaged Chestnuts in pint and quart quantities.
( Enlarge)

Chestnuts begin shipping November 10.
Hazelnuts and Hickories begin shipping no earlier than December 10, though we do sometimes have nuts from the previous crop still available.

All shipping of Chestnuts is suspended during extreme cold (below 0 F) to protect your order from freezing en route.

UPS Ground or US Priority Mail:

Up to 4 lbs: $12.00
5 to 15 lbs: $19.00
16 to 30 lbs: $32.00

If you request other shipping arrangements or quantities over 30 lbs, we will bill you for those costs.

For wholesale pricing and sales, call us toll free at (888) 557-4211 x5 and leave a clear message stating how and when to call you back.


Our guarantee: Please be sure you read and understand our nut guarantee before you place your order! Read the guarantee...

To order by e-mail:
Copy this text order form into an e-mail to (PayPal Verified), fill it out and send it. Once we have begun processing your order, you will get an e-mail invoice from PayPal with instructions on how to pay.

Please note: Some businesses block PayPal e-mail. To avoid such problems, you may wish to use a personal e-mail address in your order. Order processing both at Badgersett and at PayPal can take a variable amount of time, but in most cases you should receive an invoice from our PayPal account within 2-7 days.

To order by mail:

  1. Download and print the following order form:

    PDF order form. May require Adobe Reader or similar software.

  2. Mail it , with a check or money order made out to Badgersett Research Corporation, to:

    Badgersett Research Corporation
    18606 Deer Road
    Canton, MN 55922-9740

To order by phone:
We cannot take credit card payments over the phone, but if you prefer to you can call us toll free at (888) 557-4211 x5 and leave a clear message with the information requested on this text order form. Once we have begun processing your order, you will get a call or e-mail invoice from us, and you may complete payment either by mailing a check or using PayPal.

Please note: Some businesses block PayPal e-mail. To avoid such problems, you may wish to use a personal e-mail address in your order. Phone Order processing both at Badgersett and at PayPal can take a variable amount of time, but in most cases you should receive an invoice from us within 2-7 days.